For more than 20 years, psoriasis has affected my body, starting on the scalp and then moving to the elbows and knees. Undoubtedly the injury to the elbows is the one that has affected my self-esteem the most since it is this place that is the most exposed to the world on hot days where the complex is afloat, insecurity does its thing, having to show these crusty lesions
and flaky that an ordinary person is unaware of and do not go unnoticed in their passing. For years I have used retinoic acid and triamsinolone base preparation lotions, corticosteroids, ointments, urea cream, petroleum cream, petroleum shampoo, calendula cream, but none of them made my psoriasis lesions improve to such an extent. of my satisfaction. 4 months ago I have used copper-based cream (Cu + Derm) three times a day with great constancy, where I have recently seen noticeable changes in my injuries, with greater positive variations in my elbows, following with the knees. For me it has been the best treatment after more than 20 years.