
Read what our customers say about CU+DERM:

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No more infections

Cu + Derm cream with copper has been a great help to my brother who has suffered from insulin-dependent diabetes for many years, as I have commented, this disease affects the feet and legs progressively as the disease and age advances. Yesterday I was with him and he told me that the cream is applied daily to the toes, managing to effectively control small wounds or skin lesions, which are otherwise a very long process of recovery. Similarly, a knee injury from a fall heals quickly with the application of the cream.
I am sending you this testimony that could serve other people with the same problem.

Maria Anaia

No need for Corticoids

From a very young age my daughter began to develop strange wounds on her skin in general, similar to insect bites, we took her to different dermatologists and immunologists in Manhattan, where they always ended up prescribing corticosteroids to improve these wounds that ended up becoming infected, for more minus 2 years we met a very good friend the test of a copper cream that was in development to be applied in humans to improve skin wounds, without hesitation we began to apply the copper cream Cu + Derm to our daughter, we passed the tests in their different formats and currently thank God, it is being applied only at night and it has worked perfectly, saying that 2 months ago my lady suffered an attack on her face from psoriasis and decided to apply it at night and the improvement has been noticeable, she has always been very skeptical , but seeing that the cream has improved her face, she applies it every night without fail.

Jennifer Gibson

No more itching on my scalp

I have a very sensitive scalp, a dermatologist told me that stress lowers my defenses and opens the door to a fungus that caused me itching and sensitivity, also while I was sleeping I scratched and caused small wounds and scabs and the worst thing is that I’m going bald because of that problem !; I understand that this is called seborrhea. I applied the Cu + Derm cream for five consecutive days and today I have 20% discomfort, the wounds disappeared, I no longer feel itchy, when I comb my hair I do not feel pain. When applying the cream to my scalp, the first day I filled the hair sink, the second day it was the same, the third day I only dropped a third of what I saw the previous days, yesterday there were a few and today I don’t know Almost no hair fell out when I applied the cream. I am frankly impressed, it seems that by controlling the fungus it improves the condition of the skin and therefore reduces hair loss.

Frank Dimapolis

CU Plus Derm Helped Me Heal a Difficult Wound

About 6 years ago more or less I began to realize that after having had my daughter, I do not know if in the operating room or the truth is I do not know how it happened, that on one side of a buttock or buttock, I got an injury like a wound, which, despite all the medications they gave me, never healed. I suffered a lot with this issue, since I could not even sit down because the painting stuck to me and never healed, which also brought me problems and shame in my marital intimacy. I saw two dermatologists in Rancagua and they told me it was due to weakness or possible dermatitis. They prescribed a corticosteroid-based cream, I do not remember the name, but I had no positive results and I used it for 7 to 10 days, since I could not take it anymore, because using it for a longer time would bring irreversible consequences on the skin, then they prescribed me Dermatop,  mometasone, etc. Creams and ointments that for 6 years did not give me any results and I thought I would have to deal with this for life. I heard the benefits of this Cu + Derm cream, I wanted to try it and the truth is I am very grateful for the results, today my injury is dry, my skin is completely regenerated, without burning, without itching and I feel happy because I no longer have the ashamed to share this testimony. My daughter also uses it when she gets some pimple, it is very effective too.

Marcella Fila

Got Rid of Awful Psoriasis

For more than 20 years, psoriasis has affected my body, starting on the scalp and then moving to the elbows and knees. Undoubtedly the injury to the elbows is the one that has affected my self-esteem the most since it is this place that is the most exposed to the world on hot days where the complex is afloat, insecurity does its thing, having to show these crusty lesions
and flaky that an ordinary person is unaware of and do not go unnoticed in their passing. For years I have used retinoic acid and triamsinolone base preparation lotions, corticosteroids, ointments, urea cream, petroleum cream, petroleum shampoo, calendula cream, but none of them made my psoriasis lesions improve to such an extent. of my satisfaction. 4 months ago I have used copper-based cream (Cu + Derm) three times a day with great constancy, where I have recently seen noticeable changes in my injuries, with greater positive variations in my elbows, following with the knees. For me it has been the best treatment after more than 20 years.

Maria Paz Sepulveda

Helped my Grandmother’s Skin

Regarding the Cu + Derm cream, I tell you that my 92-year-old grandmother is using the cream with copper on her face since she has many skin lesions, moles, scaly lesions, and she has improved remarkably.

Charles Thompson

CU Plus Derm is Great for Scar Surgeries

My mom has had good results with the Cu + Derm cream, what was left of the inflammation of the operative wound, has decreased by about 70%.

Patricia Prendergast

All Members of MY Family Use CU Plus Derm

Todos quienes han usado su crema Cu+Derm, están muy contentos, una tía tiene una alergia muy grande que en 2 ocasiones la ha tenido hospitalizada, y me cuenta que está feliz, le ha disminuido considerablemente.

Cynthia Correll
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